Get inspired

nainen nauttii maisemasta, sumuinen vaara, vuokatti.

Get inspired

Ex­pe­rien­ce sum­mer in Vuo­kat­ti

Things to do and ac­ti­vi­ties for all ages


Find your own trail: TOP 3 hi­king rou­tes in Vuo­kat­ti

Pack your snacks in your back­pack and en­joy the beau­ti­ful rou­tes on the hills


Aa­te­li Is­land, Pri­va­te pa­ra­di­se

Ima­gi­ne a pla­ce whe­re you can ta­ke a lei­su­re­ly dip in the la­ke from a small, san­dy beach, ad­mi­re the stars or the nort­hern lights from the ed­ge of a…


Win­ter fun

Win­ter in Vuo­kat­ti is full of ac­ti­vi­ties. Get your heart pum­ping on the ski slo­pes or hi­king trails and at the sa­me ti­me, ad­mi­re the ama­zing sce­ne­ry and whi­te blan­ket…


Ex­pe­rien­ce Vuo­kat­ti’s na­tu­re whi­le hi­king

 Vuo­kat­ti’s gor­geous out­doors of­fer me­mo­rab­le ex­pe­rien­ces in na­tu­re. As you head to the trek­king area for the di­ver­se hi­king trails, you will be ab­le to ex­pe­rien­ce Kai­nuu’s na­tu­re in a…


A day in Ka­tin­kul­ta

If you per­fect day con­sists of a ba­lan­ce bet­ween ac­ti­vi­ty and re­la­xa­tion, then Ka­tin­kul­ta is your pla­ce!


Tra­di­tio­nal food

Pre­pa­red with lo­ve and de­di­ca­tion


Things to do – en­ter a new world

The­re is so­met­hing ni­ce to do for eve­ryo­ne in­doors, re­gard­less of sea­son and weat­her.

melojat kesäisellä järvellä vuokatissa

A sports ho­li­day is the best ho­li­day

The­re are things to choo­se from golf to open wa­ter swim­ming, from gym to padd­ling.

Vaaramaisema, violetti taivas, vuokatti.

Ex­pe­rien­ce win­te­ry Vuo­kat­ti

Fi­ve tips to win­ter hob­bies

Metsä on liikuttavan lähellä Vuokatti

The woods are clo­se

In Vuo­kat­ti, the­re are ma­ny rou­tes for dif­fe­rent ty­pes of cyc­ling

perhe uimarannalla vuokatti

Ti­me with the fa­mi­ly

In Vuo­kat­ti, it is ext­re­me­ly ea­sy to ma­ke a fa­mi­ly ho­li­day, be­cau­se it is clo­se and full of pos­si­bi­li­ties

vuokatin vaaramaisema kesällä

En­ter with the green key

We want to pay at­ten­tion to the en­vi­ron­ment and the well­being of peop­le in eve­ryt­hing we do

ryhmä meloo tyynellä järvellä, vuokatti kesä

Ta­ke a break from eve­ry­day rou­ti­nes

Pea­ce of mind, for­ces of na­tu­re, lands­ca­pes with fo­res­ted hills – can out­doors li­fe be mo­re per­fect.
