Vuokatinvaara Hill and viewpoint

The foliage view from Vuokatti Hill

The lands­ca­pe of Sot­ka­mo and Vuo­kat­ti is main­ly for­med by the chain of 13 hills. Ad­mi­re the far-reac­hing lands­ca­pes of blue la­kes, thick green fo­rests, and hills. The view ope­ning from the top of Vuo­ka­tin­vaa­ra hill is breath­ta­king and of­ten quo­ted as one of the na­tio­nal lands­ca­pes of Fin­land. The se­cond hig­hest hill in Vuo­ka­tti area, Vuo­ka­tin­vaa­ra hill, is for­med from Iso-Pöl­ly, Pie­ni-Pöl­ly and Kei­ma. From the Vuo­ka­tin­vaa­ra hill you can en­joy beau­ti­ful sun­ri­ses and sun­sets. The view­point of Iso-Pöl­ly can be reac­hed by car, ta­king the sout­hern road bet­ween Sot­ka­mo and Ka­jaa­ni. The view­point is ac­ces­sib­le by wheelc­hair and st­rol­lers du­ring snow-free sea­son.

Vuo­ka­tin­vaa­ra hill hosts ver­sa­ti­le mar­ked hi­king trails whe­re you can en­joy the di­ver­se na­tu­re and its of­fe­rings. Along the mar­ked trails the­re are fi­rep­la­ces main­tai­ned by the Sot­ka­mo mu­ni­ci­pa­li­ty ex­cel­lent for ta­king a break.

Summer view from the Vuokatti Hill
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Summer view from the Vuokatti Hill
Winter view from top of the Vuokatti Hill
The foliage view from Vuokatti Hill