Vuokatti Bowling

Bow­ling, billiards, snooker, indoor shooting simulation and cafe/bar.

Vuo­kat­ti Bow­ling is lo­ca­ted in Vuo­kat­ti, next to Ho­li­day Club Ka­tin­kul­ta. The­re are 16 bow­ling la­nes, 2 pool tab­les, snoo­ker and Vuo­kat­ti In­door Shoo­ting Si­mu­la­tor.

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Bowling is fun with your friends and family!

Vuokatti Bowling has 16 bowling lanes. Glow bowling every day from 3 pm.

The billiard room has 2 pool tables and one snooker table.

In the Vuokatti Shooting 3D indoor simulator, you can challenge your friends for example to a wild boar hunt or a Wild West-style competition with realistic gun replicas.

Digital Darts offers fun activity featuring 6 different games

The sauna section consists of a sauna and a meeting room. As a special feature, you can watch bowling from the sauna room.

Vuokatti bowling center is located next to the HolidayClub Katikulta.

Ope­ning hours:
Mon- Sun 10.00-22.00
Sum­mer / autumn sea­son Mon – Sun 12.00-21.00

Check the valid opening hours at

Glow Bow­ling starts at 3 pm eve­ry day!

10.00-15.00 26€ / hour / la­ne
15.00-17.00 33€ / hour / la­ne
17.00-22.00 35€ / hour / la­ne
Bow­ling shoes 1€ / pair ( per­sons un­der 12 years free of char­ge)

Ma­ke a la­ne re­ser­va­tion on­li­ne or call +358 86640 080

Wel­co­me to en­joy the world of bow­ling!

Things to do


bird hunting

Indoor shooting simulator in Vuokatti

Vuokatti Bowling

Vuokatti Bowling has 3D -simulation systems for shooting sports, hunting and for fun. The simulator shooting is suitable for everyone.…

Availability: All year round

Price starting at

80 €


Billiards in Vuokatti

Vuokatti Bowling

Vuokatti Bowling billiard room has two pool tables and a snooker table. The tables must be pre-booked by calling +358…

Availability: All year round

Price starting at

12 €

Bowling with kids

Bowling in Vuokatti

Vuokatti Bowling

The best way to end your perfect day in Vuokatti, is get together with your family and friends and challenge…

Availability: All year round

Price starting at

27 €