Vuokatti Bowling

Bow­ling, billiards, snooker, indoor shooting simulation and cafe/bar.

Vuo­kat­ti Bow­ling is lo­ca­ted in Vuo­kat­ti, next to Ho­li­day Club Ka­tin­kul­ta. The­re are 16 bow­ling la­nes, 2 pool tab­les, snoo­ker and Vuo­kat­ti In­door Shoo­ting Si­mu­la­tor.

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Bowling is fun with your friends and family!

Vuokatti Bowling has 16 bowling lanes. Glow bowling every day from 3 pm.

The billiard room has 2 pool tables and one snooker table.

In the Vuokatti Shooting 3D indoor simulator, you can challenge your friends for example to a wild boar hunt or a Wild West-style competition with realistic gun replicas.

Digital Darts offers fun activity featuring 6 different games

The sauna section consists of a sauna and a meeting room. As a special feature, you can watch bowling from the sauna room.

Vuokatti bowling center is located next to the HolidayClub Katikulta.

Ope­ning hours:
Mon- Sun 10.00-22.00
Sum­mer / autumn sea­son Mon – Sun 12.00-21.00

Check the valid opening hours at

Glow Bow­ling starts at 3 pm eve­ry day!

10.00-15.00 26€ / hour / la­ne
15.00-17.00 33€ / hour / la­ne
17.00-22.00 35€ / hour / la­ne
Bow­ling shoes 1€ / pair ( per­sons un­der 12 years free of char­ge)

Ma­ke a la­ne re­ser­va­tion on­li­ne or call +358 86640 080

Wel­co­me to en­joy the world of bow­ling!

Things to do


Bowling with kids

Bowling in Vuokatti

Vuokatti Bowling

The best way to end your perfect day in Vuokatti, is get together with your family and friends and challenge…

Availability: All year round

Price starting at

27 €


Billiards in Vuokatti

Vuokatti Bowling

Vuokatti Bowling billiard room has two pool tables and a snooker table. The tables must be pre-booked by calling +358…

Availability: All year round

Price starting at

12 €

bird hunting

Indoor shooting simulator in Vuokatti

Vuokatti Bowling

Vuokatti Bowling has 3D -simulation systems for shooting sports, hunting and for fun. The simulator shooting is suitable for everyone.…

Availability: All year round

Price starting at

80 €