Wellbeing holiday in Vuokatti Sport

Nature-based sport activities, for health and work wellbeing

The pac­ka­ge of ser­vi­ces can be tai­lo­red ac­cor­ding to you needs, so that it can be a bu­sy sports day, or re­gu­lar ses­sions du­ring the who­le year. Per­so­nal inst­ruc­tions and gui­ding al­low all the par­ti­ci­pants to con­cent­ra­te on their own goals, which ma­kes the trai­ning most ef­fec­ti­ve.

Top-class sports trai­ning and health tests are de­sig­ned to be sui­tab­le for dif­fe­rent group needs. When de­ve­lo­ping its prog­ram­mes, Vuo­kat­ti Sports suc­cess­ful­ly com­bi­nes tra­di­tio­nal app­roac­hes and uni­que in­no­va­tions for ac­hie­ving best re­sults. Well­being ses­sions for emp­lo­yees and mem­bers of tra­de unions, cor­po­ra­te group ac­ti­vi­ties and rec­rea­tio­nal days are one of the most im­por­tant and fast-de­ve­lo­ping ser­vi­ces pro­vi­ded by Vuo­kat­ti Sport.

Vuo­kat­ti Sport of­fers a lar­ge va­rie­ty of in­door and out­door ac­ti­vi­ties for imp­ro­ving and sup­por­ting men­tal and phy­si­cal well­being at work. Vuo­kat­ti Sport’s own health pro­fes­sio­nals work in clo­se co-ope­ra­tion with well­being, psyc­ho­lo­gy and nut­ri­tion ex­perts to ma­ke su­re the ser­vi­ces are full and ef­fi­cient.

Vuo­kat­ti Sports or­ga­ni­ses fit­ness ho­li­days, well­being ses­sions, sport ho­li­days for se­niors, as well as rec­rea­tio­nal and edu­ca­tio­nal days for com­pa­nies. Health spe­cia­lists of Vuo­kat­ti Sports suc­cess­ful­ly work both with in­di­vi­dual cus­to­mers and with groups.