Vuokatti Chalets

Chalets livingroom-kitchen

Vuo­kat­ti Sport Cha­lets of­fer well equip­ped ac­com­mo­da­tion in a breath­ta­king set­ting, right next to Vuo­kat­ti Sport’s ex­ten­si­ve sports fa­ci­li­ties and out­door trails. The­se apart­ments are ideal for ac­ti­ve tra­ve­lers, ath­le­tes and fa­mi­lies who app­re­cia­te both com­fort and prac­ti­ca­li­ty.

Each apart­ment fea­tu­res a ful­ly equip­ped kitc­hen, a co­zy li­ving area, a pri­va­te sau­na, and a bal­co­ny or ter­ra­ce with beau­ti­ful views of Vuo­kat­ti’s na­tu­ral lands­ca­pe. The­re are two apart­ment si­zes avai­lab­le:

2-4 per­son ho­li­day apart­ment, 45-54 m²:
Two-per­son bed­room, kitc­hen/li­ving room, its own sau­na, drying clo­set, bal­co­ny. In the al­co­ve, the­re is a bed that 120 cm wi­de and abo­ve it a bed that is 80 cm wi­de.

4-6 per­son ho­li­day apart­ment, 61-65 m²:
Two bed­rooms with two se­pa­ra­te beds in each one, a com­bi­ned kitc­hen/li­ving room, whe­re the­re is a so­fa­bed (pos­si­bi­li­ty of ad­di­tio­nal beds for two peop­le). Its own sau­na and a bal­co­ny.

Vuo­kat­ti Sport’s fa­ci­li­ties—inc­lu­ding the O’las res­tau­rant, café, swim­ming hall, and va­rious in­door and out­door sports ve­nues—are just a short walk away. In win­ter, you can ac­cess ski trails di­rect­ly from the apart­ment, whi­le in sum­mer, hi­king and run­ning trails start right at your doors­tep.

Whet­her you're he­re for a ho­li­day, trai­ning camp, or simp­ly to en­joy Vuo­kat­ti’s stun­ning na­tu­re, Vuo­kat­ti Sport Cha­lets pro­vi­de the per­fect ho­me ba­se for your stay!

Price / day starting at

170 €

Availability: All year round

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Chalets Bedroom
Chalets Bathroom
Chalets Basic Alcove
Chalets Large Livingroom
Chalets Kitchen
Chalets livingroom-kitchen