If you are drea­ming of a cross-count­ry skiing or cyc­ling trip and lack equip­ment, con­tact Vuo­kat­ti Ski Ser­vi­ce.

Bi­ke ren­tal:
Rent a bi­ke and get rea­dy for a fun day! Our ren­tal shop has elect­ric bi­kes, non-elect­ric moun­tain bi­kes, and fat bi­kes. We al­so ta­ke ca­re of sa­fe­ty; a bi­cyc­le hel­met is inc­lu­ded.

Win­ter sea­son - Ski ren­tal:
Cross-count­ry ski ren­tal inc­lu­des skis, boots, and po­les. The ren­tal pro­cess ope­ra­tes on a walk-in ba­sis; the equip­ment does not run out. Ren­tal skis are main­tai­ned re­gu­lar­ly to en­su­re a plea­sant skiing ex­pe­rien­ce.

We al­so rent snows­hoes and gli­ding snows­hoes

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