Indoor activity park, SuperPark Vuokatti

Su­per­Park Vuo­kat­ti pro­vi­des an ex­ci­ting ex­pe­rien­ce for the who­le fa­mi­ly! Lo­ca­ted in Kai­nuu, our Vuo­kat­ti branch of­fers ir­re­sis­tab­le ac­ti­vi­ties eve­ry day, wha­te­ver the weat­her.

The in­door ac­ti­vi­ty park’s Frees­ty­le Hall boasts a ska­te and scoo­ting park, our ext­re­me­ly po­pu­lar AirT­rack tumb­le track, and a ran­ge of ramps and tram­po­li­nes. The Ga­me Are­na fea­tu­res a hoc­key ra­dar, disc golf and bas­ket­ball for tho­se with a com­pe­ti­ti­ve st­reak. The Ad­ven­tu­re Area has clim­bing walls, ex­hi­la­ra­ting sli­des, and a pe­dal car track.

Su­per­Park Vuo­kat­ti al­so has a Golf Are­na that inc­lu­des in­door golf prac­ti­ce fa­ci­li­ties and a mi­ni­golf cour­se. The For­ge gym ca­ters to fit­ness and to­ning exer­ci­ses. Co­me and exp­lo­re, try out dif­fe­rent sports, test your skills, and mo­ve with joy th­roug­hout our who­le park! You won’t reg­ret co­ming to Su­per­Park Vuo­kat­ti and no doubt, you will be co­ming back for mo­re!

Price starting at

15 €

Availability: All year round

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