Sotkamon Matkailuoppaat

Professional guided tours from local experts

Sotkamon Matkailuoppaat organises guided walking tours, sightseeing tours and destination tours in Sotkamo and the surrounding area. Our tour guides are at your service when you want to explore the history and tourist attractions of the Sotkamo-Vuokatti area and learn about the people who have influenced it.

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Sotkamon Matkailuoppaat ry was founded in 2022 and is a member association of Suomen Opasliitto ry. Sotkamon Matkailuoppaat organises guided walking tours, sightseeing tours and destination tours in Sotkamo and the surrounding area. The guide shares interesting local information and great stories and is also familiar with future plans in the area.

In addition, the association actively cooperates with other guide operators, regionally and nationally, as well as with various tourism operators in the region.

Guided tours can be booked directly from a guide or the guide association.


Aila Flöjt, tel. +358 44 274 8613, Finnish

Helena Lehtoaro, tel. +358 40 5720 312

Irene Salomäki, tel. +358 50 413 9979, Finnish, English, Hungarian

Helena Aaltonen, tel. +358 44 978 4012

Pirjo Neuvonen, tel. +358 40 5859 700


The Board’s term of office for 2022–2024:
Chairman Aija Laukkanen
Vice Chairman Pirjo Neuvonen
Member Helena Aaltonen
Member Helena Lehtoaro
Member Sirkka Lauronen
Deputy Member Pasi Korhonen
Deputy Member Irene Salomäki


Things to do


Local dessert in Restaurant Kippo

Taste of Kainuu Food Tour

Sotkamon Matkailuoppaat

On the Taste of Kainuu Food Tour you enjoy locally produced food in the restaurants of Sotkamo and Vuokatti. During…

Availability: All year round

Price / pers. starting at

82 €